About us

The Foundation Patronato María Auxiliadora is a non-profit organization that began its work in 1952 and its objective is to constantly work to seek better health opportunities for children and adolescents up to 16 years of age.


To provide comprehensive health care and rehabilitation to children and adolescents whose age does not exceed 16 years through alliances with professionals and institutions, when their right to health is violated by access barriers.


We will be recognized at the departmental and national level for the quality and opportunity in health care and comprehensive rehabilitation of children and adolescents, achieving a high social impact.

Our history

In 1952

The Foundation Patronato María Auxiliadora is a non-profit organization, founded in 1952 by Mrs. María Isaza de Uribe, who joined forces with a group of friends and relatives in order to provide food to street children who came to the Festive Oratory of the Salesian community, in the Shrine of María Auxiliadora in Medellín, Colombia. Later, the work was expanded, organizing a dormitory and a primary school for children, thus giving rise to what is now called Don Bosco City.

In 1977

In 1977, given the continuous illnesses of the children of Ciudad Don Bosco that kept them away from their studies and the families’ lack of resources to attend to their medical needs, the Patronato’s Board decided to reorient its work, dedicating all efforts to the care of children of low economic resources that presented health difficulties.

Currently, the Board of Trustees continues to create alliances with health professionals and entities to provide comprehensive health care and rehabilitation to children and adolescents when their rights are violated by an access barrier.

During its years of existence, the Foundation has supported more than 13,000 children and adolescents.

During its years of existence, the Foundation has supported
more than 13.000
children and adolescents.