Inicio / Projects
Mentors project
It arises as a response to the needs of the beneficiary families because of Covid-19, due to the change in study and work methodologies. In the project, parents and caregivers are oriented and trained to strengthen their accompaniment as mentors in parenting guidelines, health processes and school guidance at home.
Family strengthening project
This project is aimed at parents and caregivers and its purpose is to contribute to family development and promotion of the rights of children and adolescents. It seeks to contribute to the consolidation of safe, loving, and protective homes where our population finds guarantees for harmonious growth and comprehensive care.
ADHD Project
With this project, attention is provided in mental health services such as psychology, psychiatry, neuropsychological rehabilitation, neuropsychological evaluations, and intervention through therapeutic art is carried out with music and capoeira with children, as well as parenting guide workshops aimed at caregivers.
Violence prevention project
It is aimed at mothers and caregivers of our beneficiaries when they have been victims of violence. We work with individual and group art-therapeutic interventions and trainings. They are trained on their rights, possible paths to take and complementary workshops on life skills.
Grandmother care project
It is aimed at the grandmothers of beneficiaries who assume caregiver roles. It seeks to promote training in positive discipline and humanized parenting, as well as training in arts and crafts that enhance skills for daily life.
Contact us!
- Cra 50 # 52 – 22, Bermora building. office 606
- 305 224 46 62
- 314 7110399
- Monday to thursday 8am – 4:30pm, friday 8am–3:00pm